Monday, April 27, 2009

IGDA Newsletter: Quality of Life, New Magazine, Last Call for LF '09 Proposals

IGDA Newsletter - April 2009

Table of Contents
0: A Word From Bob Bates

1: Board "Memo": Quality of Life Update

2: New IGDA Magazine to Debut

3: IGDA Game Preservation Whitepaper Released

4: QA SIG Seeks Logo

5: Localization SIG Summit

6: Writing SIG Releases Book/Announces Election Results

7: Leadership Forum 09 Call for Speakers (+ 08 DVD)

8: Education SIG Updates

9: Event Action: Canada, E3, Brighton

10: Columns Update

11: Chapter Meetings/Reports

12: Logistical Bits & Unsubscribe Info

0: A Word From Bob Bates
Dear Members and friends,

The hottest topic around the IGDA halls (if we had halls, which we don’t), is when and how are we going to replace Jason Della Rocca as our Executive Director. Our ED Task Force has started to post regular updates on the new Board Blog, which you can link to from our home page, or go to directly at

Also new and exciting are four new Special Interest Groups (SIGs) that are getting started: Quality of Life, Programming, Game Design, and Visual Arts. If you are interested in participating in one or more of them, please contact

As layoffs continue to rock our industry, and many of our members and friends find themselves out of work, these and our other SIGs and forums continue to be a great place to network and stay on top of what’s going on in your field.

In other news, check out the announcement below about the Game Preservation SIG Whitepaper, the upcoming IGDA Magazine, and the new book from the Writer’s SIG.

Happy gaming,

- Bob Bates
Chairperson, IGDA

** Ad: GDC Canada: BioWare and Microsoft Keynotes Announced **
12-13 May, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

As a member of IGDA you can save CDN$50 on All Access and Main Conference passes for GDC Canada.

The Game Developers Conference® Canada is a collaborative forum studying the challenges and opportunities of creating games with long production cycles, large development teams, and multi-platform releases. GDC Canada will feature over 40 sessions including keynote addresses from the BioWare Founders Dr. Ray Muzyka and Dr. Greg Zeschuk, and Canadian videogame pioneer Don Mattrick of Microsoft.

Enter your IGDA membership number at to take advantage of this discount.


1: Board "Memo": Quality of Life Update
A healthy debate on what constitutes Quality of Life is taking place in the community and members are asking where IGDA stands on the issue. IGDA Chair Bob Bates clarifies the organization's position in a board memo posted at Members are encouraged to follow the QOL discussion, as well as all the latest communication from board members on issues vital to IGDA, at the IGDA Board Blog:

2: New IGDA Magazine to Debut
The premiere issue of IGDA MAGAZINE is in the works. Ours is a sprawling organization, with many efforts that no one ever hears about. This magazine is one attempt to get the word out. To get a sense of what we’re doing, download the PDF of the prototype issue here: If your company is interested in advertising in the magazine, you’ll find the rate card at:

3: IGDA Game Preservation Whitepaper Released
The leadership of the IGDA Game Preservation SIG announced the release of a new white paper "Before It's Too Late: A Digital Game Preservation White Paper." The White Paper is available in several formats: DOC, ODT, PDF, Lulu Copies and can be downloaded at

** Ad: 5th Annual Games for Health Conference **
11-12 June, 2009 Hyatt Harborside Boston, MA, USA

Pre-Conference Workshops: June 10, 2009
Games Accessibility Day & Virtual Worlds and Health

Explore the role of videogames in health and health care at the 2009 Games for Health Conference, with more than 35 sessions covering topics such as exergaming, health training, disease management and more. In addition, the conference will feature multiple game demos and networking forums. The Games for Health Conference is held in partnership with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Pioneer Portfolio, with additional sponsorship and support provided by Humana, IGDA, Mass Technology Leadership Council and Virtual Heroes.

For information and registration, please visit:


4: QA SIG Seeks Logo
A lot of great ideas were shared at the Quality Assurance SIG meeting at GDC. The SIG has posted notes from Quality Assurance (QA) related sessions and is also striking up some new initiatives. Check out the QA SIG website at for more news on that. In the meantime, the SIG seeks any artists with some free time, and a little heart, to create the perfect logo for the group. You'll get to have it for your portfolio, and you'll also get credit on the SIG website for your contribution. Please send logo entries by May 22 to with the subject line QA SIG LOGO. Thanks!

5: Localization Summit @ GDC 2009
The inaugural Localization Summit took place on March 23, 2009 during GDC and was deemed a total success by its organizers, the steering committee of the IGDA Localization SIG. The full-day event was filled with talks about the nature of game localization, localization tools, expanding into new and unconventional territories, and a case-study about Fable II’s localization process. Jaime Gine, Electronic Arts’ VP of International Development Services, provided the keynote session on explaining the strong business case for doing more localization. The attendance averaged around 120 throughout the day and the aggregated speaker scores were over 4 (out of 5) for the day. The Localization Summit is expected to return in 2010 and plans are already underway to improve the format and content.

** Ad: Love writing Amazon reviews? Get a free copy of Game Feel **
Game Feel: A Game Designer's Guide to Virtual Sensation by Steve Swink, demystifies the key element of game design, exploring what draws players in and makes them addicted to game play. Sounds awesome, right? Well, we need your help to spread the word about this exciting new title...

If you'd like to review Game Feel on or and you're one of the first ten people to respond, you'll get a free copy of the book!

While you're there, you can view chapter samples, video tutorials, and podcasts, or sign up for the latest tips and discounts newsletter.


6: Writing SIG Releases Book/Announces Election Results
The IGDA Writer’s SIG has just published its third book: “Writing for Video Game Genres: From FPS to RPG.” This book delivers practical advice from seasoned veterans on the special challenges of writing for different game genres. To learn more, click on the following link:

The Writing SIG recently held leadership elections. The Executive Board of this SIG now consists of Wendy Despain (Chair), Andy Walsh and Corvus Elrod. They look forward to serving the members and causes of the Writing Special Interest Group for the next year.

7: Leadership Forum 09 Call for Speakers (+ 08 DVD)
Last call! IGDA is looking for speakers to participate in the third annual IGDA Leadership Forum (set for November 12-13 in San Francisco). This event focuses on advancing the state of the art in game production and management. The Program Committee welcomes session proposals from qualified speakers. Deadline is May 1st. Please review the entire call-for-speakers via:

During last year's Leadership Forum, 28 conference sessions were recorded and are now available for purchase on DVD. The 5-disc set of hi-res video is priced at $99 (plus shipping). If you would like to purchase a copy, please email us via and we'll forward you the order form. Copies of the 2007 Leadership Forum DVD are still available as well.

Alternately, you can watch the freely available lo-res videos hosted at Google Video, all linked via the "context index" page (just click on the speaker photos or "video" links for each session):

8: Education SIG Updates
The IGDA EdSIG does not like to rest on it’s laurels. Besides working on next years Global Game Jam (January 29-31, 2010) the EdSIG is offering a FREE online summer course on game design and it is open to anyone interested. Game Design Concepts is a large-scale online version of an introductory course normally taught in a university classroom. This online class focuses on the core theoretical concepts of game design along with practical experience. Close to 300 people have already registered from over 30 different countries. Educators, students and industry professionals with a range of experience levels are participating. Class starts on June 29, 2009 and is not given for credit.

9: Event Action: Canada, E3, Brighton
Member discounts at upcoming events and related event action include:

- $50 member discount for GDC Canada in Vancouver, BC (12-13 May)

- free/20% member access/discount for E3 Expo in Los Angeles, CA (2-4 June)

- 10% member discount for Develop in Brighton, UK (14-16 July)

Full discount details and links available online:

** Ad: E3 Expo / IGDA Membership Qualification **

2-4 June, Los Angeles, California, USA

E3 Expo is the world's premiere trade show for computer and video games and related products. The show is owned by the Entertainment Software Association (ESA), the U.S. association dedicated to serving the business and public affairs needs of the companies, publishing interactive games for video game consoles, handheld devices, personal computers and the Internet.

Until May 1st, IGDA membership will act as one form of "Industry Identification" for qualification into E3. Proof of your IGDA membership, along with one additional piece of Industry Identification will allow for FREE admission to E3. Starting May 2nd, IGDA members will be provided with a 20% discount on the E3 Expo Exhibit Floor Pass. Please contact us for more details.

For more details, jump to:


10: Columns Update
Monthly columns have been updated:

Famous Last Words
"When the Publisher Wants Your Tech"

Culture Clash
"Winning Hearts and Minds:The perception problem"

The Games Game
"Reply Frustrations"

11: Chapter Meetings/Reports
Complete list of chapter reports and upcoming meetings:

Silicon Valley
Monday, May 18 > Game Project Connection Night

Report, Post GDC

San Francisco
Report, March 18 > Finance your Game Studio

12: Logistical Bits

Unsubscribe/Subscribe to Newsletter
To unsubscribe simply send an email with the subject "unsubscribe" to

Or, you can update your newsletter subscription details via your MyProfile page:

Thanks to our Partners
The IGDA extends its sincerest thanks to all our Partners! Especially those who just joined us, or recently renewed their commitment to support the game development community:

- Walkthru Inc.
- Nokia Products Ltd.
- LaSalle College
- The University of Derby

Without their support the IGDA simply would not survive - let alone thrive.

Further details and a complete list of Partners are available online:

Contact Information
Please contact us if you have questions, comments or input:

19 Mantua Road
Mount Royal, New Jersey
USA 08061

RSS Feeds for IGDA News and Chapter Updates
The IGDA web site has RSS feeds for IGDA news (eg, org announcements, committee work, etc) and chapter updates (eg, upcoming meetings, event reports). Those using RSS readers can point to:

IGDA News:

IGDA Chapter Updates:

- end -

The Nine Structural Subsystems of Any Game

Katamari Damacy is not a game. Solitaire (the card "game") is not a game?

How do we explain the different between game and non-game, how can we draw the line?. Following article from Lewis Pulsipher teach us about a game.

A game can be thought of as a system (as in "systems analysis", for the computationally inclined). What I'm trying to achieve here is a list of the fundamental sub-systems that are necessarily a part of any game (excluding sports such as baseball or swimming). This list may help inexperienced designers, because if they think about all nine of these systems as they rough out their game, this will help them conceptualize and arrive at a playable idea.

We could discuss endlessly what is a game and what is not; let's just recognize that, within your definitions of "game", you can probably find an exception that doesn't have all nine characteristics. I think that's a function of definition rather than a failure of the analysis, but that must remain a matter of opinion. If one of these systems is completely missing, you might have a toy or puzzle, but not a game.

There are many examples "on the edges", such as Katamari Damacy. To me, Katamari Damacy is not a game. Solitaire (the card "game") is not a game, because there's no conflicting interest, no active opposition guided by intelligence-they are more like a puzzle or toy. But both of these activities fit the Nine Structures framework.

I want a framework that will help a designer think about games. Some people, in listing fundamentals of games, discuss "state" in considerable detail. I've tried to avoid "state" and "state-changes" as much as possible, simply because I don't think that an organization dominated by state is very useful to an inexperienced designer. "State-change", in particular, seems to lump an awful lot together in one pot. My ultimate goal is to have something that will be useful to inexperienced designers, and to be able to expand each category to exhaustively list alternatives within each structure. I want designers to be able to treat the extended list as a sort of checklist, to help them make sure they've thought about all the vital aspects of their game early in the process.

I've tried to list these subsystems in an apparently logical order, but every one is just as fundamental as every other one.

Here is the list, followed by brief explanations and some examples:

1. Theme/History/Story/Emotion/Image.

2. Player Interaction rules.

3. Objective/victory conditions.

4. "Data storage". (Information Management)

5. Sequencing.

6. Movement/Placement.

7. Information availability.

8. Conflict resolution/interaction of game entities.

9. "Economy" (resource acquisition).

Sometimes the system is assumed, or the choice is to have "none", but still a decision has been made about the category. For example, in Tic-Tac-Toe (Noughts and Crosses) there is no acquisition of resources, but it still has an economy of "unlimited pieces" -- it could have a way to gain resources, and there are variations where you do. Another example: a very abstract game has no theme/history/story, but the designer chose to take that approach, nonetheless.

Read more ...

Friday, April 24, 2009

Menara Games: Cate West - The Velvet Keys

Another great collaboration between Menara Games and Gamenauts, continuing the successful hard selling hidden object "Cate West", Big Fish has just released Cate West the Velvet Keys edition to the market. This thrilling sequel to Cate West - The Vanishing Files, follows Cate to Damasca, where she discovers a new mystery. Gather the items required to forge the enigmatic Velvet Keys and crack the case. A cinematic atmosphere, incredible graphics and addictive gameplay await you in Cate West - The Velvet Keys!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Board "Memo": Quality of Life Update - April '09

Dear Members,

The Board of the IGDA firmly supports the Quality of Life initiatives and "best practices" outlined in the IGDA's 2004 report on the topic. The White Paper can be downloaded for free at

More specifically, and so there can be no doubt:

We believe, and it has been well documented, that extensive overtime is not only ineffective from the point of view of productivity, but moreover is destructive of employee morale. Our Quality of Life Committee has collected significant research ( to support this conclusion.
We believe that companies have an obligation to inform prospective employees of their overtime policies prior to their employment.
We believe it is unethical for studios to routinely rely on extended, uncompensated overtime in order to get their products out the door.

The Board is happy to announce that our Quality of Life Committee is transforming itself into a Special Interest Group, which we believe will revitalize the IGDA's efforts to educate the industry on the challenges surrounding this issue. The SIG is in the process of assembling two new surveys, one for Studios and one for Developers. Those interested in participating in the SIG should write to

The Board will be posting updates on this initiative and other new actions by and for IGDA members on its new blog at

Sincere regards,

Bob Bates
IGDA Chair
bob -at-

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Blizzard WoW's Warren Vs. Glider Case

In the case of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc and Vivendi Games, Inc. Vs. MDY Industries, LLC, Blizzard as the owner of an MMORPG's online game, World of Warcraft [published on November 2004], Blizzard claimed that MDY has infringed its copyright of WoW by developing a software, called "Glider", which enabled WoW's player to play WoW automatically.

Glider is a computer program known as "Bot". Glider enabled WoW' player's character to continue play in WoW even when the player is away from his/her computer. It purported for the player to advance faster in WoW and to acquire items or game assets more easily ["Farming"]. MDY started selling Glider to WoW's player on June 2005 and has sold more than 100.000 copies.

Blizzard claimed that MDY has infringed its copyright as ruled by U.S. DMCA [Digital Millenium Copyright Act]. The ninth court agreed that MDY has violated Blizzard's copyrights but not based on the DMCA, but on violating the Terms of Service [ToS] or EULA [End User License Agreement, which all WoW's players have to adhere to in order to be able to play WoW.

By that decision, the court has given a recognition that, among other points, Farming by using Bot is not a cool thing to do. It has raised an attention from the public to the fact that the court's decision has widen the scope of what would be considered as copyright violation, which included ToS or EULA.

The question would be why software owner would be aiming for copyright protection for its EULA or ToS. It's because copyright protection would bring bigger penalties and remedies, compare if EULA or ToS is not considered to be protected by copyright, where a violation of EULA or ToS would only be considered as a mere breach of contract.

As a General Counsel for an online game company myself, Farming is definitely an action which can be assumed to happen and it can disturb a game's economy equilibrium, not to mention it's really annoying to see a player could end up on the first rank of a game's highest level list when that player can achieve it by using Bot and other players only rely on their sweat and brow by staying hours and hours at a cyber cafe or playing the game at home on an endless hours and skip dinner and breakfast and still can't catch up with that player's speed with a Bot.

So yes, I do agree that Bot or alike that temper with a game play should be identified and legal action should be taken towards the Bot user and Bot developer. This can be achieved by relying on the ToS or EULA. That's why it is very important for a software owner/publisher to smartly draft their ToS or EULA, to acknowledge this issue and to encounter in the ToS or EULA.

Nonetheless, this big uproar about opposing WoW's intention for ToS or EULA as to be protected by copyright, I'm in an opinion that it should be cleared first on what would be the perspective of ToS or EULA is protected by copyright. ToS or EULA in a game is an agreement or contract which binds both parties of publisher and player. Hence, a player will be given a license to play a game by firstly agreeing and binding herself/himself to the ToS or EULA. Any violation towards ToS or EULA will be considered as a breach and a publisher has a right to sanction a player according to the in-game policy as stated in ToS or EULA. It could be ban or kick out from the game. But, it doesn't necessarily make ToS or EULA as protected by copyright. What copyrighted is the game software itself! Any attempt to temper with the software will be a violation to DMCA, as stated in below clause:

(2) No person shall manufacture, import, offer to the public, provide, or otherwise traffic in any technology, product, service, device, component, or part thereof, that -

(A) is primarily designed or produced for the purpose of circumventing a technological measure that effectively controls access to a work protected under this title;

MYD, by manufacturing and offer to the public, its product Glider, which tempered Blizzard's game software of WoW, could be easily said had infringed the DMCA. Whether it is stated or not in the ToS or EULA, as copyright appear the moment a work is created in a certain medium, such as in written or a drawing.

I might be wrong. But it's merely my own opinion and I just hope my writing can shed a light on this matter. What is your own opinion?

Jakarta, 040409

Sarah M. Abdullah