Thursday, August 14, 2008

Congratulations to INAICTA 2008 Game Category Winner

After a long journey participating in INAICTA 2008 (Indonesia ICT Awards), from more than 20 registered products (raising from last year 8 products) under game category, 5 nominees were selected and had a chance to present their game in front of the judges.

INAICTA 2008, selected judges came from different diciplines, list of judges name are as following:
1. Bullit Sesariza- Founder of A Box Studio
2. Boy Avianto- Interactive Software Application Software Lecturer of Bina Nusantara University
3. Wendy Chandra- Owner of Gamestation (Game Magazine)
4. Teguh Anantawikrama- Vice Chairman of KADIN Telecomunication Industry
5. Juliana- Representative from Hotgama (Game Magazine)

All INAICTA 2008 nominees

and the 2008 winner is
LiLo (Lost In Love) by PT Antar Mitra Prakasa
represented by: Pahala Basuki, Sobar Herdiman, Alif Wijayakusumah, Yanuar Triwibowo

winner received:
1. INAICTA trophy
2. Rp 30.000.000,- cash rewards
3. Sertificate from DEPKOMINFO RI

once again, congratulation to the winner :)

First Chapter Meeting


Yes, that's the right word for it,
not because of the efforts but FINALLY we can arrange our time to gather and sit together,
it might be easier if Indonesia is a small country, but for studio representatives from Surabaya (east Java) and Bandung (west Java) to come and sit in one room that is what i called dedication.

All these, thanks to Allan Simonsen from IGDA Singapore, Allan came all the way from Singapore to helped us jump-start a chapter in Indonesia. With Allan's guidance we were able to:
1. formed the chapter first comittee
2. got in touch for the first time with Jason and Joe at IGDA HQ
3. had a brief overview about a chapter activities
4. lastly, we finally named the chapter "IGDA Indonesian chapter" instead of Jakarta Chapter :)
because we also want to gather game dev studios friends from other cities, that we havent know.

What's next?
There are alot to do next, but gathering more and more Indonesian game developers under IGDA is the most important one (really wish we can do that correctly)

To all game developer friends out there,
We are just a group of people who are lucky enough to get the chance to formed the Indonesian chapter, but without you guys, we are nothing.
So please, for all the game developer studios out there, when you read this, contact us so then together, we can nurture Indonesia Game Developer Industry

A brief information about the meeting:
Bullit Sesariza - A Box Studio
Ricky Suryo - Max Studio
Yanuar Tanzil - IPlayAllDay Studio
Satya Hodi- Menara Studio
Ellen and Cahya Daulay- Matahari Studio
Andi Martin, Fafan, Mario, and Me - Main Games Studio
Allan Simonsen- BoomZap/ IGDA Singapore
Brata T Hardjo subroto- Asosiasi Penyelenggara Multimedia Indonesia (APMI) as the host
Selliane Ishak- Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika RI
and other parties, who is interested to see Indonesia's game developer industry grow.


Meeting Room:
Menara Multimedia Lt 17, Jl Kebon Sirih no 12
Jakarta Pusat 10110

Blitz Megaplex
Grand Indonesia Lt 6. Jakarta Pusat

See you guys soon :)


PPBI (Pekan Pameran Produk Budaya Indonesia), is one of the follow up action for Creative Industry FGD held by Indonesian Trade Department. It took place at JCC (Jakarta Convention Center), Senayan. Which is the place for almost all big events.

Pekan means "week", so for one whole week we can see all creative products from all around Indonesia in JCC. From paintings, handycraft, batiks, to film and photography. Games and Animation was the last to join Indonesia's Creative Industry, we entered as Digital Creative Business.

Four studios joined the exhibitions, Matahari Leisure, A Box, Stratego and Main Games, and due to the short noticed information about the exhibition, we cramed ourselves to two booths. Surprisingly, our booth was the most popular booth for children.

A-Box brought "jungkat-jungkit" and "F1 racing". Stratego with its "virus annihilation" interactive floor, 2 arcade machines from Matahari and Blaster a puzzle-shooting game from Main Games.

It was - like any other exhibition- needs effort, but it was wothed, because we finally have a chance to:
1. network with fellow game developer studios, not in the official way, but now at least we have something to talk about
2. prove our existence to the government :)

i really hope next year we will have the chance to participate again and hopefully there will be more studios to join us