Panitia INAICTA 2009 Umumkan Pemenang Kompetisi Pada Malam Penganugerahan
Acara Pemberian Apresiasi Bidang Telematika Mencapai Puncaknya Pada Malam Pengenugerahan INAICTA 2009
Jakarta, 30 Juli 2009 — Panitia INAICTA 2009 tadi malam mengumumkan pemenang kompetisi tahun ini pada malam penganugerahan yang dihadiri oleh Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika, Mohammad Nuh. Acara apresiasi bidang TIK (Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi) yang mendapat dukungan penuh dari Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika ini bekerjasama dengan berbagai komunitas, asosiasi, dan organisasi yang terkait dengan bidang teknologi informasi dan komunikasi di tanah air.
Diluncurkan pada 20 Februari 2009, acara yang tahun ini mengangkat tema ‘Digital Creative for Nation Building’ mempunyai visi memposisikan TIK sebagai salah satu variabel kunci untuk meningkatkan martabat bangsa Indonesia di dunia international. Melalui proses selama empat bulan yang meliputi pendaftaran, seleksi, dan penjurian akhirnya dihasilkan 70 nominator dari 14 kategori penghargaan.
“Amanat Presiden bahwa kontribusi dari ekonomi kreatif bisa mendorong, mempercepat, dan memperluas GDP Indonesia. Kontribusi dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai cara, antara lain memberi ruang inovasi dan kreativitas di masyarakat, penyelenggaraan INAICTA 2009 sangat sesuai dengan amanat tersebut,” jelas Menkominfo, M. Nuh.
Tujuan utama diselenggarakannya INAICTA 2009 adalah meningkatkan kreativitas para profesional di bidang TIK, mendorong pemanfaatan dan pertumbuhan TIK di semua lini industri, juga mempersiapkan pelaku TIK lokal untuk menghadapi kompetisi global. Peserta yang mengikuti perlombaan karya cipta kreativitas dan inovasi di bidang TIK pada tahun 2009 ini mengalami peningkatan signifikan, baik dalam kuantitas maupun kualitas. Lebih dari 700 peserta melakukan pendaftaran secara online di situs resmi INAICTA 2009 ( sejak 20 Februari 2009.
Dalam rangka peningkatan kualitas karya yang dipilih, proses penjurian tahun ini juga mengalami perubahan drastis. Peserta harus melalui tahap-tahap penjurian yang ketat, termasuk harus dapat mempresentasikan dan mendemokan karyanya di hadapan juri. Jajaran juri juga mengalami peningkatan kualitas, terdiri dari gabungan seluruh komponen TIK terkemuka di Indonesia termasuk di dalamnya praktisi, akademis, digital marketer, animator, maupun wakil dari industri. Setelah melalui seuruh proses tersebut, pemenang akan diumumkan pada Malam Penganugerahan INAICTA 2009 tanggal 29 Juli 2009 yang akan datang.
Peningkatan inovasi, kreativitas, dan kualitas peserta INAICTA tahun ini juga terbukti dengan tertariknya perusahaan industri TIK dan perbankan terkemuka di Indonesia berpartisipasi dalam Business Matching Program (BMP), dimana pihak pengembang karya dipertemukan dengan investor dan pihak pembeli potensial serta didorong menjadi sebuah industri baru.
“Karya-karya yang masuk nominasi mempunyai kualitas yang tinggi. Tahun ini kami melengkapi dengan Business Matching Program yang akan mengawal mereka menjadi entrepreneur. Sudah saatnya kita menghargai karya Digital Creative anak bangsa,” papar Hari Sungkari, Ketua Panitia INAICTA 2009. “Kami mengucapkan selamat atas keberhasilan para pemenang dan bangsa Indonesia turut bangga akan karya-karya anda. Semoga keberhasilan ini menjadi pemicu semangat bagi para talenta TI yang dimiliki oleh Indonesia.”
Adapun daftar pemenang di tiap kategori pada INAICTA 2009 adalah:
Kategori: Student Project - SD
Winner: Watch The Sign (Narendra Pradana Nugroho)
Merit: Rental Game Maniac (Andre Rizky)
Kategori: Student Project - SMP
Winner: Pengunci Komputer (Jonathan C)
Kategori: Student Project - SMA/SMK
Winner: Kardinal (Fauzan Helmi Sudaryanto)
Merit: Click Home (Agus Arif Rahman)
Kategori: Student Project - University
Winner: Interactive Table (Hendro Wibowo)
Merit: Pembuatan Generator dan Solver Permainan Sudoku (Reden Tanago)
Kategori: e-Bussiness Enterprise
Winner: ARMES (Ade Karsa)
Merit: Invesment Management System (Boyke Bader)
Kategori e-Bussiness SME
Winner: - Online Stock Photo Provider (Dibya Pradana)
Kategori: e-Learning
Winner: Biotech Multimedia Interactive (A. Riza Wahono)
Merit: ”Morning!” (Indra Purnama)
Special Mention: MLM for The Blind (Erik)
Kategori: Digital Animation
Winner: Hebring 2 (Andi)
Merit: Good Bye World (Aryanto Yuniawan)
Kategori: Digital Interactive Media
Winner: Dwarf Village (Wandah W)
Merit: Blank! (Teguh Budi W)
Kategori: Computer Generated Imaginery
Winner: Menuju Indonesia Baru 2D (Henryca Citra)
Merit: Bajaj Fantasy (Dina Chandra)
Kategori: Tools & Infrastructure
Winner: Green Switch (St. Andika Sutejo)
Merit: POINTREK (Aceng Luqman Taufiq)
Special Mention: Light Army (Stevanus DH)
Kategori: Research & Development
Winner: Zaitun Time Series (Rizal Zaini Ahmad Fathony)
Merit: Eye B Pod (Stanley Audrey)
Kategori: Open Source Systems
Winner: SENAYAN Library Automation (Hendro Wicaksono)
Merit: Crayon Pedia, the Next Generation Learning Enviroment (Agung Harsoyo)
Special Mention: Nusantara View Web 2.5 (Nuraini)
Dewan juri juga mengumumkan pemenang dalam kontes robot pada INAICTA 2009 ini. Adapun daftar pemenang di kategori ini adalah:
Kategori Maze Solving Robot Tingkat SD
Juara 1: Elementary Mrobot5 (A. Habib M)
Juara 2: Elementary Mrobot1 (Suwaibatul Annisa)
Juara 3: Elementary Mrobot2 (Aulia Zinendinita R)
Kategori Maze Solving Robot Tingkat SMP
Juara 1: Mrobot Junior Robot 1 (Muhamammd Arifin)
Juara 2: Undefeated Lightning Bolt (William Irawan dan Suma Suharmoko)
Juara 3: Night Stalker (Ray Paulus, Pranandhika, dan Darryl Irianto Effendi)
Kategori Maze Solving Robot Tingkat SMA
Juara 1: Chibibot (Eric Christiandi Sulaiman, Suma Sutrisno, dan Steven M. Sutiono)
Juara 2: Vini Vidi Vici (Samuel Christian Tjahyadi, Ricky Disastra, Rangga Nehemia)
Juara 3: R-Striker (Hadiyan Nur Rochman dan Ahmad Rifki Alhadi)
Kategori Creative Robot (SD, SMP, SMA, Universitas)
Winner: Fog Intelligent Robot Estinguisher (Nico Fendy, Chandra Louis, dan Selia Evanny Pranata)
Merit: Robot Durian Warso (Winda Pradina, Iedita Widya Arsyta, dan Dewi Utami Rahmawati)
Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut mengenai INAICTA 2009, silahkan kunjungi situs resminya di
Kontak Media:
Syamsul Arief Rakhmadani
IndoPacific Edelman
+62-21-721 59000
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Pemenang INAICTA 2009
Berikut ini adalah juara Inaicta 2009 untuk kategori digital interactive media
Winner: Dwarf Village (Wandah W)
Merit: Blank! (Teguh Budi W)
Inaicta 2009 mendapat sambutan luas dan berhasil menarik minat para pengunjung untuk mengetahui lebih jauh tentang perkembangan industri game and digital media di indonesia
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Indonesia ICT Awards 2009- Online Voting

Hurry up, use your KASKUS membership to vote for INAICTA 2009 nominees,
Every vote counts, each membership is entitled to vote 1 time for every category,
Let's vote :)
Monday, July 6, 2009
Crowdsourcing describes a task which is delegated to a group of individuals. The group is typically quite large, with each member usually unknown to each other and only linked through their one common goal. Its a concept to share the work tasks between developers in various places to working together
Startup iPhone developer Inovaz has very recently used crowdsourcing for its upcoming title Aztec Odyssey. The indie developer has teamed up with music marketplace group Minimum Noise, and in doing so gained access to professional and aspiring musicians from around the world.
“You describe what you are looking for and set a budget,” explains Kristian Dupont, owner of Minimum Noise. “Producers who are interested will participate, and when you decide on a composition, you select that as the winner, transfer the money to the producer and receive the audio including the rights to usage.”
Looking at Inovaz’ Minimum Noise page, the developer offered $250 for the background music to just the first level of Aztec Odyssey, and described on the profile page how it was looking for a soundtrack that is “heavily influenced by tribal and indigenous American styles.”
Inovaz received over 25 submissions for the soundtrack and, depressingly, most of them sound good. It’s a sad state of affairs when $250’s worth of background music doesn’t sound too distant from ‘professional’ in-house productions at game studios. Killzone 2’s soundtrack was recorded live at Abbey Road Studios, and yet rarely is the game praised for its sophisticated sound.
But unlike Abbey Road Studios, with crowdsourcing you’re not paying serious amounts of money per hour. “We expect a usual fee for music to be around $100-$500,” says Dupont, “which should be realistic for most productions.”
However, the nature of the service and indeed the youth of the business has provided a few obstacles for Minimum Noise. “First of all, there is the entire licensing model to consider,” says Dupont. “Right now, we insist that producers transfer all rights to the project owner, but we will expand to other options as this is not feasible for all.”
“Furthermore, there is the risk of producers contributing something that they did not make themselves,” he says, before adding that this is still a risk when purchasing any kind of media in the first place.
“We hope that the community will watch out for scammers and report to us. Other than that, we are watching everything closely and listening to our users all the time.”
Startup iPhone developer Inovaz has very recently used crowdsourcing for its upcoming title Aztec Odyssey. The indie developer has teamed up with music marketplace group Minimum Noise, and in doing so gained access to professional and aspiring musicians from around the world.
“You describe what you are looking for and set a budget,” explains Kristian Dupont, owner of Minimum Noise. “Producers who are interested will participate, and when you decide on a composition, you select that as the winner, transfer the money to the producer and receive the audio including the rights to usage.”
Looking at Inovaz’ Minimum Noise page, the developer offered $250 for the background music to just the first level of Aztec Odyssey, and described on the profile page how it was looking for a soundtrack that is “heavily influenced by tribal and indigenous American styles.”
Inovaz received over 25 submissions for the soundtrack and, depressingly, most of them sound good. It’s a sad state of affairs when $250’s worth of background music doesn’t sound too distant from ‘professional’ in-house productions at game studios. Killzone 2’s soundtrack was recorded live at Abbey Road Studios, and yet rarely is the game praised for its sophisticated sound.
But unlike Abbey Road Studios, with crowdsourcing you’re not paying serious amounts of money per hour. “We expect a usual fee for music to be around $100-$500,” says Dupont, “which should be realistic for most productions.”
However, the nature of the service and indeed the youth of the business has provided a few obstacles for Minimum Noise. “First of all, there is the entire licensing model to consider,” says Dupont. “Right now, we insist that producers transfer all rights to the project owner, but we will expand to other options as this is not feasible for all.”
“Furthermore, there is the risk of producers contributing something that they did not make themselves,” he says, before adding that this is still a risk when purchasing any kind of media in the first place.
“We hope that the community will watch out for scammers and report to us. Other than that, we are watching everything closely and listening to our users all the time.”
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Sunday, July 5, 2009
INAICTA Big 5 Finalist
Following are the names of Indonesia ICT Awards big 5 finalist for Animation, Digital Interactive Media and Computer Generated Imagery,
All the finalist, will be voted live online on
Digital Animation
1 DA-0002 Hebring 2 Andi
2 DA-0005 PETUALANGAN SI JAKA Firman Shiddiq
3 DA-0007 Good Bye World Aryanto Yuniawan
4 DA-0014 PETRUK SHOW Hario Sasongko
5 DA-0018 BROKEN Rimbar Diorisma
Digital Interactive Media
1 DI-0005 Dwarf Village Wandah W.
2 DI-0008 Voice Paint Ryan Koesuma
3 DI-0009 JACK'S MILYARDER, Business Simulation Game Jack St Kristanto
4 DI-0026 3D Virtual Training: Front Office Samuel henry
5 DI-0031 Blank! Teguh Budi W
Computer Generated Imagery
1 GI-0003 Menuju Indonesia Baru (2D) Henryca Citra
2 GI-0005 Tersesat di Masa Depan Wandah Kurniawan
3 GI-0011 Gatotkaca Pelindung ASEAN, Sri Candy, Macanman Endro Yuwono
4 GI-0012 Bajaj Fantasy Dina Chandra
5 GI-0016 iNDONESIA Bersatu Lius L.
Winner will be announced at Indonesia ICT Award - Awarding Night, Jakarta Convetion Center, on 29th July 2009
More information
All the finalist, will be voted live online on
Digital Animation
1 DA-0002 Hebring 2 Andi
2 DA-0005 PETUALANGAN SI JAKA Firman Shiddiq
3 DA-0007 Good Bye World Aryanto Yuniawan
4 DA-0014 PETRUK SHOW Hario Sasongko
5 DA-0018 BROKEN Rimbar Diorisma
Digital Interactive Media
1 DI-0005 Dwarf Village Wandah W.
2 DI-0008 Voice Paint Ryan Koesuma
3 DI-0009 JACK'S MILYARDER, Business Simulation Game Jack St Kristanto
4 DI-0026 3D Virtual Training: Front Office Samuel henry
5 DI-0031 Blank! Teguh Budi W
Computer Generated Imagery
1 GI-0003 Menuju Indonesia Baru (2D) Henryca Citra
2 GI-0005 Tersesat di Masa Depan Wandah Kurniawan
3 GI-0011 Gatotkaca Pelindung ASEAN, Sri Candy, Macanman Endro Yuwono
4 GI-0012 Bajaj Fantasy Dina Chandra
5 GI-0016 iNDONESIA Bersatu Lius L.
Winner will be announced at Indonesia ICT Award - Awarding Night, Jakarta Convetion Center, on 29th July 2009
More information
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