Sunday, November 23, 2008

Chapter Meeting Report: 16 November 2008

IGDA chapter meeting report

16 November 2008

Meeting agenda:
1. face- to-face meet up among developers around Indonesia
2. recognize different challenges loval developers experience

Meeting result:
1. database of game developers
2. IGDA committee volunteers and their roles
3. IGDA and SIGGRAPH role in Indonesia
4. preparation of other city IGDA chapter
5. IGDA next activities

1. Game Developers Database
the meeting was held in the middle of the first Indonesia Game Show, which by report
attracted more than 50.000 visitors in total. Almost all the game developer studios and
publishers were participating in the events. So, it was a perfect moment for existing game
developers and game developers enthusiast to come to us and revealed themselves.

what we did was basically, open up unofficial registration in IGDA booth, which was supported by 5 studios:
1. Menara Game Studio --> representing casual game developers
2. Main Game Studio --> representing webbased game developers
3. Caravan Studio --> representing art outsourcing developers
4. Abox --> representing arcade game developers
5. Agate --> representing students developers team

with all the variety of studios presenting their works through show reels, demos and mini seminars, we got alot of visitors. We classified the visitors into two class: game developers and non-game developers. As the result we got 52 game developers registered their data scattered in 19 studios and 3 universities.

We also managed to gather students, academics and other game enthusiast. As overall result, the meeting met our short objective to grow the chapter.

2. IGDA volunteer commitee and their roles
among the meeting participants, there are several people who are interested to help running IGDA in Indonesia.

Bullit Sesariza
Arief Widhiyasa- Public Relation
Oka- Students Relation
Andi Martin

3. SIGGRAPH Jakarta Chapter
we have been informed that SIGGRAPH is also starting a chapter in Jakarta, and the reason
it become our concern is because many of interested game developers (especially artists)
asked us about the different between SIGGRAPH and IGDA.
So here is the stand point we explained to them:
  • basically IGDA has no right to decide which organization a game developers need to follow
  • so, to make things clear we explored both IGDA and SIGGRAPH vision and mission,
IGDA vision is to improve game developers quality of life while SIGGRAPH vision is to spread computer graphic education. We leaved the choice to game developers, they also have the freedom to choose both.

4. IGDA other cities chapter
as the topic been discussed a few time before, we finnaly reach a new step to solve this,
and they are:
  • for IGDA mothership, we are preparing 2 chapters Jakarta and Bandung, since the 2 cities have the biggest interest on IGDA, the election of both chapter coordinator will be held shortly after the 2 chapters understand what to do
  • for Indonesian Government there will be just 1 IGDA (legally), stands for Indonesia Game Developer Association (like GDAP in Philliphine). This is basically include commitee from both chapter as steering commitee.
The reasons for these decisions are:
  1. There are other cities tha are starting to have interest and willing to organize IGDA as a chapter city
  2. There is better 1 legal IGDA for Indonesia Government in order to avoid confusion in maintaining government relationship

5. IGDA next activities

18- 20 November 2008
Videogame and Interactive Media Symposium
Cyberlodge Resort, Cyberjaya, Malaysia
IGDA will send 6 Indonesian delegation to this events to update and build networking with
other south east Asia countries and also French (as the organizer of the event)

22 November 2008
Hello: Fest v.5
Balai Kartini, Jakarta, Indonesia
IGDA will send representative to attend to the annual festival to show support for related
animation community

3-4 December 2008
Institute Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
ITB Bandung
IGDA will open booth and also build relationship with the university,
through students and lecturer. ITB is one of the active university in building faculty
for game developers.

Participants of the meeting:
1. Marlin Sugama - chapter coordinator
2. Andi Martin - co-founder Main Games Studio
3. M Fardiansyah - co- founder Main Games Studio
4. Bullitt Sesariza - Founder Bullitt's Logic and Game
5. Chris Lie - Caravan Studio
6. Oka - Producer Sangkuriang Studio
7. Victor - Programmer Sangkuriang Studio
8. Arief Widhiyasa - Founder Agate Studio
9. Ray - Programmer Agate Studio
10. Beatrice Nauli - Artist Agate Studio
11. Cahya Daulay - Producer Matahari Studios
12. Pitra Satvika - Stratego Corp Studio
13. Daniel Simon - 3D Artist Freelancer
14. Alwin - 3D Artist Funline Studio
15. Susan Angela - 3D Artist AMP
16. Christian Simon - IT Student Bina Nusantara University